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What makes Brother original print supplies so special?

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True: Independent tests rank Brother #1

When it comes to buying print supplies, price isn't the only consideration. That's why we had our Brother cartridges tested against 10 non-genuine brands for everything from total yield (number of pages the cartridge prints before running out) to image quality and number of logged maintenance issues.

It's no surprise that the report found that "the Brother genuine toner brand delivered the best performance in all key categories" and was "the most reliable out of all those tested". Don't settle for anything less. 

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True: Brother printer cartridges are "flawless"

The independent lab tests don't lie: "The Brother genuine toner performed flawlessly throughout." Meanwhile, "all other brands experienced at least one fault".

Whether it's print quality, the amount of pages the cartridge can achieve or the level of protection against leaks and printer damage, it's clear that Brother is best. Every time.

Is it really worth the risk trying anything else? 

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True: Cheap printer toner costs more

It's official: cheap cartridges are a false economy. In demanding test conditions, non-genuine cartridges underperformed frequently including one that "could not be recognised by the printer" (resulting in the need to buy again) while others "had to be replaced before they were fully used because of poor image quality".

Even those that did work initially didn't last as long as the real thing when the print run started. So, if you're looking to save time and money when you print, always shop Brother original supplies. 

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True: Brother original cartridges print more

At Brother, we are committed to offering you the best possible value and that starts with giving you the full stated yields (which means that you get the stated number of printed pages from the cartridges based on your use). The same isn't always true for the non-genuine brands whose promises don't always match their amount of pages.
Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab's tests confirmed that "across all third-party brands, as many as 68 toner cartridges had to be replaced before they were fully used because of poor image quality" while all of the tested Brother cartridges "completed testing with no image quality failures, jams, leakage, or printer damage" and printed more pages on average too. The evidence is stacking up! 

What are the myths surrounding non-genuine printer cartridges? 

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False: Non-genuine cartridges print more

When it's time to buy replacement print supplies, you may think that the non-genuine brands would at least cover the same amount of printable pages. This is simply not true.

In Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab's page yield tests, it was verified that "the Brother genuine toner produced both the highest total output and the highest average output.

"When comparing the average across all third-party brands' cartridges, the Brother toner produced 57% more output.". When you need more uninterrupted prints for your money, Brother delivers.


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False: All printer toner is the same

There is a massive variance in quality between printer cartridge brands. So much so that in the impartial tests, it was advised that "users can end spending more over the life of the printer when using such [non-genuine] cartridges".

But when it comes to Brother genuine cartridges, you can bet that they have a dependable, flawless level of quality every time. The tests agreed: In terms of image quality alone, "the Brother genuine toner was cleaner and more consistent than that produced by the third-party cartridges" under the strict lab conditions.

It's not just those first prints either... as the tests progressed, "output from the Brother genuine toner remained consistent, while output from the other brands began to deteriorate".

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False: Cheap printer cartridges save you money

If you're shopping for replacement printer toner, you can find yourself overwhelmed with seemingly cheaper substitutes rather than sticking with the genuine brand. However, tests revealed that "despite the low upfront cost of third-party cartridges, users can end up spending more over the life of the printer."

When you factor in that other brands don't print as many pages and are more prone to image quality failures, jams, leakage or printer damage, it's clear that the non-genuine alternate brands are a riskier purchase.

If it's value for money that you're looking for, Brother have been providing this all over the world for over a century.

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False: Non-genuine cartridges do no damage

Brother genuine supplies are the only ones on the market that are designed and made by us for exclusive use in our machines. No other provider can match this. In fact, according to impartial testing, "Brother was the only toner cartridge brand to leave the printer in a clean condition" so no toner leaks, incompatibility errors or reduced performance on the machine. You know what you're getting with Brother.

And unlike some inefficient non-genuine brands, we are determined to reduce waste around the world through our industry-leading commitment to being green. As well as recycling or remanufacturing the printer supplies that customers send back to us, we also give a donation to charity for each item returned.

See Brother Earth for more information on how you can help out.

Don't just take our word for it

Download the full independent report that compared one Brother printer toner against 10 non-genuine alternatives. The results may surprise you.

A woman holds a Brother printer toner cartridge - the image is blurred

"Brother genuine toner is the best choice overall, delivering superior reliability, yield and quality compared to all third-party brands tested.”


– Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab, March 2018

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Tried. Tested. Trusted. 

All quotes taken from Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab's March 2018 Custom Test Report entitled 'Brother Genuine Toner Cartridges for Brother HL-L6300DW versus Ten Third-Party Brands'. The report is currently available in English language only.