- All black
- Black lines down the page
- Black toner marks across the page
- Curled
- Curled (video instructions available)
- Curled or wavy
- Duplex Copy (1-sided to 2-sided)
- Faint Print
- Ghost Image
- Grey background
- Hollow print
- How do I make my copied images look sharper and more vivid? (Copy Contrast)
- Lines across the page
- Page skewed
- Poor fixing
- The left side of the document will not print when I make a copy from the scanner glass.
- The rainbow cursor keeps spinning when I click on Copy/PC-FAX in ControlCenter2 (For Mac OS X 10.7).
- Toner specks
- White lines across the page
- White lines down the page
- White lines, bands or ribbing across the page
- White spots or black spots at 94 mm (3.7 in.) intervals
- Wrinkles or creases