How to save time at work
We spend a significant proportion of our lives at work, but how much is spent getting actual work done?
While a lot of it is out of our control, there is something we can help with.
Here are the 3 biggest consumers of time during the working week
#1 Commuting nightmares
For most of us, commuting makes up a big part of our working week. We might not strictly be “at work” at this point, but we wouldn’t be sat on a bus or stuck in a traffic jam at 7am on a Monday if we didn’t have to be.

The average commute in the eurozone is 25 minutes1 each way. That’s:
• 13,000 minutes a year
• 217 hours a year
• 9 days a year
#2 Time management
When you finally arrive at work, as we all know, time management is crucial to successfully making it through our to-do lists.

However, up to 80% of the working day is spent on things that have “little value” or “no value”, creating around 3 hours of wasted time per day2. It’s filled with distractions, with some of the biggest culprits being:
• Social media: We spend 7% of our time at work on social media3.
• Drifting off: 9 out of 10 people daydream in meetings2.
• Interruptions: The average employee is interrupted 56 times a day4.
#3 Tech – the necessary evil
Technology has changed our world for the better. But for all the benefits it brings and solutions it provides, it can, on occasion, slow things down too. From the soon-to-be 246 billion emails5 sent daily to that inconvenient new software update, we all come face to face with tech scenarios that add delays to our working day.

Employees spend up to 13 hours a week dealing with emails:
= 28% of the working week
= 650 hours a year
= Around 80 working days a year5
Yet the average inbox contains only 38% important, relevant emails5.
Then there’s the printer
Printing is an essential function in almost every workplace. Old, overworked or under-maintained equipment comes with lots of time-wasting risks, none more so than calling up your IT department for help with paper jams, faulty printing or scanning issues.
Printers for business
We have a range of print and all-in-one devices fit for every kind of workplace. Offering a reliable and tailored solution, they deliver high-quality output for high-volume workloads and leave you with time to be productive during your work day.
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• 1 Source: Time spent travelling to and from work. Link: OECD Family Database: http://www.oecd.org/els/family/database.html. OECD - Social Policy Division - Directorate of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
• 2 Source: Time management facts and figures. Link: www.dovico.com/blog/2018/03/06/time-management-facts-and-figures/
• 3 Source: Productivity in 2017: What we learned from analyzing 225 million hours of work time. Link: blog.rescuetime.com/225-million-hours-productivity
• 4 Source: Time Management Statistics. Link: www.keyorganization.com/time-management-statistics.php
• 5 Source: Email Overload: Research and Statistics. Link: https://blog.sanebox.com/2016/02/18/email-overload-research-statistics-sanebox/